December 1975

be physically harmed; but to be able to enjoy a sex act they've always felt is dirty. When you're raped, you in essence, relinquish all responsibility for any behavior that takes place.

High Gera: Why do you think there is such a great fear and apprehension of leather among both gay and straight people? How can that be overcome? Alex: I believe the term S & M puts a great deal of fear into people. I hate to sound redundant, but others need to understand, we're mostly into leather, levis, and mind games with willing partners, and not sadism or masochism as it is traditionally conceived of. There's no doubt that many gays (and straights) have a major fear to overcome. Some gays are afraid to go into the Leather Stallion because they think they're not masculine enough to take what the leather people may dish out. Some are convinced they'll be brutally apprehended and raped in the back room. And, of course, there's always that fear of running into Dean Coryll (Houston sex murderer) or some other person who can't be trusted. People are afraid without realizing pain has very little to do with the leather scene, or that the possibility of an accident is slight. Sure, there is an outside chance you might receive some minor injury. Subtle danger, I think, is part of the sexual appeal. Sadly, until people (gay and straight) get over these unfounded anxieties and fears, they never will truly grab the psychological thrust of the leather scene.... Leather people are not sick; just different something, I feel, that most gays can relate to.







Plato on Gays

(The following is an excerpt from The Symposium written by Plato about 416 B.C.. It is one of the oldest defenses of gay males and gay male relationships.)

Those who are carved out of the archetypal male, pursue the male, and as they are maturing, being part of that male, are fond of men and enjoy lying with men and embracing them. These are

the best of young men and. the bravest.

Some call them shameless, but that is false; no shamelessness makes them do this, but boldness and courage and a manly force which attracts that which is similar. The proof is apparent: such men are singular in public affairs.

Upon reaching manhood, they fancy young men and naturally do not trouble about marriage

AHP Conference

By David Holleb


a major topic of discussion. Fifty people attended the workshop. Some people felt not enough direction was given and the group was understructured. Others felt that they had positive learning experiences from the workshop

From Dec. 5-8, the Association for Humanistic Psychology held its first Cleveland conference titled, "Humanizing the Human Professions." There were two gay workshops, and a Lunch Saturday was attended gay group lunch. Saturday by about fifteen people. Besides afternoon, John Power, a gay sharing basic information and social worker from Chicago interests, it was brought to the gave workshop attention of the group that there titled, "Homosexuals and Sex." This is a bill, S-1 that is in a Senate workshop was designed for committee. The bill allegedly will people to discuss, in small "reform" the Federal Criminal groups, the Code so that the party in power monogamy, promiscuity, long will be able to suppress radical term relationships, and other groups. (There will be more on aspects of sexuality. The this next issue.) development and problems of




Sunday afternoon,


building gay "marriages," group Prevoznik, John Nosek, and living situations or family Leon Stevens presented a communities of gay people was workshop titled, "Gay Education




121 Pine S.E.

Warren, Ohio

Phone 399-7066



6 AM to 2:30 AM


and getting a family, except where the law and custom compels them; they find it satisfying to live unmarried together. Such a person is always inclined to be a lover or a beloved as he always welcomes what is like himself.

So when one of these meets

his own proper half, whether lover or anyone else, then they are wonderfully overwhelmed by affection and intimacy and love, and one may say never wish to be apart for a moment.

These are the ones who remain together all their lives, although they could not say what they expect to get from each other; for no one could suppose that this is a purely sensual union, as if this could make anyone delight in another's company so seriously as all that. Plainly the soul of each wants something elsewhat, it cannot say, but it devines and guesses what it wants.

And as they lie together suppose Hephaistos were to stand beside them with his tools, and ask, "What do you want from each other, men?" And if they at a loss, suppose he should ask again, "Is it only that you desire to be together as


Page 5 past

close as possible, and not to be apart from each other night or day? For if that is what you desire, I am ready to melt you and weld you together, so that you two, may be made one, and as one you may live together as long as you live, and when you die you may die still one instead of two, and be yonder in the house of the dead together...if that were offered, we know that not a single one would object, or be found to wish anything else; he would simply believe he had heard that which he had so long desired, to be united and with melted together his one beloved, and to become from two. For the reason is that this was our ancient natural

shape, when we were one . whole; and so the desire for the whole and the pursuit of it is named Love.


and Awareness." Information on homosexuality, gay men. lesbians, and personal stories of coming out were presented.

Then there was, a question and answer period and subsequent discussion with the participants.

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